Diversity Job Network Blog

What's new in employment? We are bringing you the latest news, tips and tricks in your search for employment!
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Pop on Paper: 10 In-Demand Skills to Put on a Resume

Pop on Paper: 10 In-Demand Skills to Put on a Resume

Did you know that 98% of employers believe teamwork is an essential skill? Yet, hiring professionals think only 77% of graduates are proficient in this area. So, how can you build your resume to showcase your skills t...

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Top 5 Red Flag Signs to Look Out For in Your Job Search

Top 5 Red Flag Signs to Look Out For in Your Job Search

Are you on the hunt for a new job? You are not alone.

If you have been searching for a while, you've probably learned that it's not too easy. There is an endless number of jobs to sift through! Plus, you have to watch out for an occasional red flag. 

Unless you know which specific red flags to beware...

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Diversity vs Inclusion: What's the Difference?

Diversity vs Inclusion: What's the Difference?

Sometimes, people confuse the two terms diversity and inclusion. But, it is important to know they are not synonymous. Diversity vs inclusion pertains to many areas like the workplace or school.

You may be wondering what is diversity vs inclusion, and why does it matter? Diversity within the workplace describes the persona...

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